Τομέας Ζωολογίας, Τμήμα Βιολογίας, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών Α.Π.Θ.

Duration and Provided ECTS

The above univesities have also……

  • exchanged both students and staff,
  • developed joint curricula for environmental science and education,
  • developed a European Class, in which students from a range of countries are taught by international staff,
  • ensured course equivalence between universities using the ECTS,
  • produced open learning materials multimedia packages on Conservation of European Biodiversity & Pollution in Europe as well as the Ecological quality of running waters according to the WFD 2000/60 E.C.
  • developed a network Diploma qualification,

Duration of the European Class 2011 and provided ECTS

Students will take courses taught in English (see their description) covering 21 ECTS or choose among the host university curriculum. If they do not speak the native language (Greek) in which the courses are taught then they are obliged to follow the practicals, read by themselves through English literature and be evaluated by the professor teaching the subject.  Exams will be given in English at the end of May or through a project work during May. The rest of the 9 ECTS will be covered by the ITEC (3 ECTS) and a project (6 ECTS) on Lakes and rivers’ ecosystem.

The Internationally taught European Class (ITEC) and the project

In May visiting professors from European Universities will give lectures on aspects of their discipline relevant to environmental science or/and education (ITEC). Students will be asked questions related to the lectures (3 ECTS).

At the end of the ITEC students will also present their project and be evaluated by the visiting professors on their presentation and questions related to their project (6 ECTS). This project is goaling to the efficiency of the students in field sampling methods, in the analysis of their results and in the presentation of their work in front of a jury.
The ITEC (3 ECTS) plus the project will be equivalent to 9 ECTS.
